60th Birthday Thanksgiving Service in Honour of Mrs. Beauty O. Ikeaka

60th Birthday Thanksgiving Service in Honour of Mrs. Beauty O. Ikeaka

For me, my mother has and always will be the wisest person I know, that is why when she said she wanted to write a book, I was overjoyed. Through her words and deeds, she embodies the true essence of motherhood – a journey of love, sacrifice, and devotion.
On February 22, 2024, she launched her book “Motherhood: In the Valley of Faith” and it not only marks a milestone in her personal journey but also a symbol of hope for mothers everywhere. Within those pages, she shared the profound wisdom, courage, and faith that guided her through the joys and challenges of motherhood. Her words serve as a source of comfort and strength, offering solace to those who traverse the valleys and peaks of parenthood with grace and resilience. Once again, I am so proud of you Mother!
Finally, I extend my deepest gratitude to all our loved ones, friends, and eminent Nigerians who graced us with their presence despite their busy schedules, joining us in celebrating this joyous occasion. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love, laughter, and enduring friendship.
Chief Barr. (Mrs.) Chioma Uzodimma.
First Lady of Imo State, Founder of GoodHope Flourish Foundation and Secretary of Renewed Hope Initiative.

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