Imo First Lady HE Chioma Uzodimma partners with NEMA to distribute food, clothing and other items to the vulnerable in the society

In our continuous effort to help the vulnerable in our society, my team in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) provided succour to some registered Motherless Babies Homes and Vulnerable groups in Imo State on February 7, 2023.
My representative, the Commissioner for Women Affairs and Vulnerable Groups, Hon. Lady Nkechinyere Ugwu assessed the status of the ongoing training programs run by the Ministry of Women Affairs and Vulnerable Groups and then expressed my gratitude to the administration for its efforts in providing for the needs of the children housed in orphanages.
Thereafter, she distributed the food supplies, household items, and cash gifts to the proprietors of the Motherless Babies Home/ Vulnerable groups at Government House Owerri and further encouraged them to continue doing good deeds since God honours all good deeds.
Dr. (Mrs.) Ukonu of the Redemption Orphanage, Umunoha Mbaitolu, who was present alongside Mrs. Azubuike, Head of Department, Women Affairs, Mr. Benjamin Amaefula in charge of the Child Department, Mrs. Adaobi Emelumba for the Rehabilitation Department, and other Ministry Staff, took her time to praise the 3R Administration under the leadership of my husband for its display of love to their wards and the people of Imo State in general.
Among the special citizens who benefited from the activity were the Imo State Association of the Deaf, Nigeria Association of the Blind, Imo Chapter, Association of the Physically Challenged, Albinos Association, and Association of Spinal Cord Injury, all of whom attended the event at the Government House, Owerri.
I appreciate NEMA’s efforts in putting this partnership together, and I look forward to collaborating with them on other initiatives in the future.
Chief Barr. (Mrs.) Chioma Uzodimma.
First Lady, Imo State, and Founder, GoodHope Flourish Foundation.

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