International Day Of The Girl Child, 2021.

Today, we celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child, 2021.

The International Day of the Girl Child has always been about expanding awareness of the rights of girl-children. These rights include education, medical care, legal protections, and protection from all forms of abuse or violence.

However, as a result of the pandemic, a new divide has emerged: “The Digital Divide”. This divide is about how girls are less likely to own digital devices or acquire technology-related skills. As such, the 2021 campaign theme; “Digital generation. Our generation.” is an attempt to start addressing the growing gender gap in our society.

The modern world needs to be digitally inclusive and provide women with new opportunities to learn, earn, and lead. Together, we must encourage more women to participate in tech opportunities as they have continued to drive growth through their leadership in any sector.

Barr. (Mrs.) Chioma Uzodimma.
First Lady, Imo State and Founder,
GoodHope Flourish Foundation.

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