World Mental Health Day, 2022!

In recent news, there has been an increase in teenage psychological issues, more people are expressing hopelessness and several suicidal cases are reported daily.

To raise awareness of this crisis, World Health Organization (WHO) observes #WorldMentalHealthDay each year to encourage more people to offer support to others, help when asked, and have vulnerable discussions.

Today, we commemorate the 2022 event with the tagline, “Make Mental Health and Well-being For All A Global Priority” to encourage us to prioritize caring for our minds so we can be better to ourselves and our loved ones.

#MentalHealthCare is a practice that we should all carry out to function efficiently and effectively in our society.

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness
#mentalhealthmatters #worldmentalhealthday
#chiomauzodimma #heimostory
Chief Barr. (Mrs.) Chioma Uzodimma.
First Lady, Imo State, and Founder, GoodHope Flourish Foundation.

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